Pupils entering Year 7 are invited to apply for a Scholarship. Scholarships reward academic excellence and talent and are awarded at the discretion of the Headmaster. Scholarships are typically for up to 20% fee remission and are normally tenable for the whole of a pupil’s time at the school, subject to excellent progress. All scholarship offers are subject to the specific criteria below as well as excellent overall academic ability. Successful candidates will be expected to remain at Saint Nicholas until the conclusion of their GCSE studies.

Pupils applying for a scholarship must be achieving to the following level:

  • Academic: to qualify for an Academic Scholarship, pupils are required to achieve outstanding results in the School’s assessments.
  • Art: to apply for an Art Scholarship, pupils are required to present a portfolio, showing a minimum of four pieces of work in any medium. Applicants will attend a practical assessment day during which they will sit a timed drawing assessment using a ‘drawing grid’, and an expressive media observational task.
  • Drama: to apply for a Drama Scholarship, pupils are expected to have reached a minimum standard of LAMDA Grade 3 or similar. Pupils will attend a practical assessment session during which they will be required to demonstrate a natural flair in two audition pieces to the Teachers of Drama and participate in a group improvisation workshop.
  • Music: to apply for a Music Scholarship, pupils are required to have reached a minimum standard of Grade 4 on their main instrument, and grade 2 on their second instrument (voice qualifies as an instrument). Pupils will attend a practical assessment session during which they will be required to perform two audition pieces to the Director of Music, and successfully complete aural and theory tests.
  • Sport: to apply for a Sport Scholarship, pupils are expected to have attended county trials in his or her major sport, or to be able to show evidence of a high level of achievement in a county or national competition. Pupils would also be expected to show evidence of having regularly been involved in two different sports at a competitive level. Pupils will attend a practical assessment session during which they will participate in a sports aptitude test.

The assessments are a suite of tests that assess a pupil's reasoning (thinking) abilities in key areas that support educational development and academic attainment.

The deadline to apply is 2nd December 2024. 


Community Award

A Community Award, worth up to 100% of the fees following means-testing, is available to pupils entering Year 7 with outstanding overall academic ability. Priority is given to local applicants who require either full or substantial funding in order to take up the offer of a place. Offers are subject to the results of the school’s academic assessments, a taster day, which is spent in class, a reference from the pupil’s current school and interview. In assessing a child’s suitability, potential will also be considered as well as actual achievement. Each pupil to whom support is offered must, in the opinion of the Headmaster, be likely to make excellent academic progress following admission. Previous school reports will be consulted for evidence of good behaviour.

Parents should contact the Admissions Secretary for an application form, which must be submitted by 4th November 2024.


Further Information

Please contact Mrs Julie Bradley, Admissions Secretary, on 01279 429910, or by emailing [email protected] if you have any queries regarding Scholarships or the Community Award.