The emphasis is very much on participation and enjoyment, helping pupils to develop confidence and self-esteem, as well as an appreciation of the arts as a whole. 

GCSE Drama

The GCSE drama course will follow the AQA syllabus.

Course Overview

The course will involve a combination of practical work, devising drama and interpreting existing scripts, and analytical work, responding to professional performances and self-evaluating their own performances.


The course will allow pupils to:

  • Actively engage in the process of dramatic study, developing independent learning as well as critical and reflective thinking.
  • Work imaginatively and creatively with others.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of their own work and that of others.
  • Develop and demonstrate theatrical, technical, creative and performance skills.
  • Explore the impact of social, historical and cultural influences on drama texts and activities.

The assessment is over three core components: Understanding Drama; Devising Drama (practical) and Texts in Practice (practical). 

Discover Upper School